







  • 2014.12-现在,教授,同济大学航空航天与力学学院

  • 2008-2014,副教授, 同济大学航空航天与力学学院

  • 2006-2008,讲师, 同济大学航空航天与力学学院

  • 2004-2006,博士后,同济大学力学博士后科研流动站

  • 2018.1-3,美国莱斯大学进行短期学术交流


  • 复合材料损伤监测与自修复技术研究

  • 复合材料耐极端环境力学行为研究、多场耦合多尺度复合材料及力学研究

  • 基于机器学习的复合材料智能化研究


  • 中国复合材料学会会员、中国复合材料学会青年工作委员会委员

  • 中国复合材料学会纳米复合材料分委会委员

  • 为composites science and technology、composites part b: engineering、 composites part-a applied science and manufacturing、composite structures、macromolecular materials and engineering、polymer composites、mechanics of advanced materials and structures、aiaa journal、smart materials and structures、sensors、 复合材料学报、中国航空学报(英文版:chinese journal of aeronautics)等研究领域的国内外20余个top期刊审稿人。


  • 本科教学:理论力学、材料力学

  • 研究生教学:复合材料宏细观力学

  • 负责教改项目:2016-2017,精品实验项目“冲击和冲击后压缩试验”,负责人

  • 2021同济大学全英语专业建设项目-飞行器制造工程“复合材料试验技术”课程负责人


  1. 2024-2027,国家自然科学基金联合基金重点支持项目(u2341235)“多场耦合环境下碳纳米管增强碳纤维复合材料结构失效机理与损伤监测研究”,合作负责人;

  2. 2023-2026,国家自然科学基金面上项目(12272268)“植入型网栅传感器对cfrp分层损伤的在线监测与原位修复研究”;

  3. 2022-2023,哈飞项目“单闭腔泡沫夹层结构模压受力变形与损伤机理研究”;

  4. 2023-2023,横向项目“石墨烯在碳纤维表面的生长方法研究”;

  5. 2020-2023,国家自然科学基金面上项目(11972256)“碳纤维/环氧复合材料i/iii型分层裂纹的自修复研究”;

  6. 2018-2021,国家自然科学基金面上项目(11172233)“基于二维纳米组装体的复合材料分层损伤原位抑制与自感知效应研究”;

  7. 2020-2021,一般纵向项目“复合材料结构损伤在线监测测试研究”;

  8. 2020-2021,横向项目“碳纤维复合材料低温力学性能评价”;

  9. 2018-2020,一般纵向项目“耐高温复合材料叠层结构损伤演化与模拟”;

  10. 2017-2018,横向项目“耐低温碳纳米杂化复合材料制备新工艺研究”;

  11. 2017-2019,国防重点实验室基金项目“高阻尼机热一体化多功能复合材料技术研究”;

  12. 2012-2015,国家自然科学基金面上项目(11172211)“碳纳米管网格协同增韧层合结构的力学性能研究”;

  13. 2012-2013,中央高校基本科研业务费“多尺度混杂复合材料的制备与强韧化机制”;

  14. 2010-2013上海市自然科学基金“复合纳米纤维网架协同增韧层合结构的力学性能研究”;

  15. 2011-2012,上海飞机制造有限公司创新基金项目“部分浸润预浸料的树脂流动过程和树脂均匀性研究”;

  16. 2008-2009,gf973子项目“复合材料界面性能对宏观力学性能的影响”;

  17. 2008-2010,同济大学优秀青年教师人选科研项目“金属填充碳纳米管/环氧复合材料的电磁吸波性能和力学性能研究”;

  18. 2006-2008,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(10502038)“含同轴电纺纳米纤维的功能复合材料设计与优化”。


  1. yicheng jiang,ling liu, jia yan,zhanjun wu. room-to-low temperature thermo-mechanical behavior and corresponding constitutive model of liquid oxygen compatible epoxy composites. composites science and technology 2024, 245, doi: 110357.

  2. qin ouyang, ling liu and zhanjun wu. in-situ damage self-sensing and strength recovery activated by self-electricity in carbon fibrous composites embedded with multi-functional interleaves. composites part a: applied science and manufacturing, 2023, 175, doi: 107777.

  3. ouyang qin, liu ling, wu zhanjun. electrothermally self-healing delamination cracks in carbon/epoxy composites using sandwich and tough carbon nanotube/copolymer interleaves. polymers, 2022, vol.14(20): 4313.

  4. pan wu, ling liu, zhanjun wu. a transesterification-based epoxy vitrimer synthesis enabled high crackself-healing efficiency to fibrous composites. composites part a: applied science and manufacturing, 2022, 162, doi: 107170.

  5. tao sun, hongyu fan, ling liu, zhanjun wu. double modified amino phenolic resin particles: a novel modifier to thermally stable, mechanically-strong and tough epoxy. composites science and technology 2022, 228, doi: 109645.

  6. xu feng, jinrui ye, ling liu. thickness and pore effect of nanotube interleaves on interlaminar shear properties of carbon fibrous laminates. composites communications, 2022, 29, doi: 100998.

  7. guangming yang, qin ouyang, jinrui ye, ling liu. improved tensile and single-lap-shear mechanical-electrical response of epoxy composites reinforced with gridded nano-carbons. composites part a: applied science and manufacturing, 2022, 152, doi: 106712.

  8. qin ouyang, xiaolong wang, ling liu. high crack self-healing efficiency and enhanced free-edge delamination resistance of carbon fibrous composites with hierarchical interleaves. composites science and technology 2022, 217, doi: 109115.

  9. wang, haifeng, yicheng jiang, and ling liu. meso-mechanical simulation of the mechanical behavior of different types of steel fibers reinforced concretes. sustainability 2022, 14.23: 15803.

  10. 骆雪芹;唐蓝天;李娟子;崔运广;刘玲. 低温对碳纤维复合材料弯曲性能影响试验研究.力学季刊,2022, 43(03): 537-546.

  11. 冯旭, 刘玲. 氨基化碳管薄膜对碳纤维复合材料层间性能的影响. 复合材料科学与工程.2022(02):82-88.

  12. 王维, 欧阳琴, 刘玲. cnt/emaa/环氧胶膜对复合材料裂纹的电热修复研究. 复合材料科学与工程. 2022(03): 66-72.

  13. bingchen wang, xu feng, ling liu. enhanced electrothermal effect of carbon fibrous composites decorated with high conductive carbon nanotube webs. chinese journal of aeronautics, 2021, 34(11): 243-253. doi: .

  14. lulu shen, yushun zhao, peter samora owuor, chao wang, chao sui, shuai jia, jia liang, ling liu, jun lou. a molecular-level interface design enabled high-strength and high-toughness carbon nanotube buckypaper, macromolecular materials and engineering, 2021, 2100244. doi: 10.1002/mame.202100244.

  15. wei wang, qin ouyang, lingliu, zhanjunwu. novel nanotube/poly (ethylene-co-methacrylic acid)/epoxy composite adhesive possessing in-situ electrical-heating activated crack healing function. composites part a: applied science and manufacturing, 2021, 150, doi: 106599.

  16. guangming yang, xu feng, wei wang, qin ouyang and ling liu. effective interlaminar reinforcing and delamination monitoring of carbon fibrous composites using a novel nano-carbon woven grid. composites science and technology 2021, 213, doi: 108959.

  17. guangming yang, xu feng, wei wang, qin ouyang, ling liu, zhanjun wu. graphene and carbon nanotube-based high-sensitive film sensors for in-situ monitoring out-of-plane shear damage of epoxy composites. composites part b: engineering, 2021, 204:doi: 108494.

  18. ouyang q, wang x, yao y, liu l. improved damping and mechanical properties of carbon fibrous laminates with tailored carbon nanotube/polyurethane hybrid membranes. polymers and polymer composites. 2021, 29(8):1240-50. doi:10.1177/0967391120962998.

  19. 王炳琛, 刘玲.电热效应对碳纳米管修饰碳纤维复合材料剪切性能的影响.复合材料科学与工程.2021,3:82-87.

  20. lulu shen, ling liu, yexin zhou, zhanjun wu. thickness effect of carbon nanotube interleaves on free-edge delamination and ultimate strength within a symmetric composite laminate. composites part-a applied science and manufacturing, 2020, 132: doi 105828.

  21. pan wu, ling liu, zhanjun wu. synthesis of diels-alder reaction-based remendable epoxy matrix and corresponding self-healing efficiency to fibrous composites. macromolecular materials and engineering, 2020, 305(10), doi:10.1002/mame.202000359.

  22. 高雅,刘玲.emaa/cnt膜对复合材料ⅱ型层间断裂韧性及自修复率的影响.复合材料科学与工程.2020,2:25-31.

  23. lulu shen, ling liu, zhanjun wu. tensile mechanical behaviors of high loading of carbon nanotube/epoxy composites via experimental and finite element analysis. advanced engineering materials. 2019(2019): doi 105510.

  24. ya gao, ling liu, zhanjun wu, zheng zhong. toughening and self-healing fiber-reinforced polymer composites using carbon nanotube modified poly (ethylene-co-methacrylic acid) sandwich membrane. composites part-a applied science and manufacturing, 2019, 124: doi 105510.

  25. xueying cheng, ling liu, xu feng, lulu shen, and zhanjun wu. low temperature-based flexural properties of carbon fiber/epoxy composite laminates incorporated with carbon nanotube sheets. macromolecular materials and engineering, 2019(2019), doi: 10.1002/201900247.

  26. guangming yang, ling liu, zhanjun wu. improved strain sensing capability of nano-carbon free-standing buckypapers based strain gauges. smart materials and structures 2019, 28(6), doi: 10.1088.

  27. ling liu, qiaoxin yang and jingwen shen. response to: comment on “correlation between porosity and electrical-mechanical properties of carbon nanotube buckypaper with various porosities”. journal of nanomaterials 2019, doi.org/10.1155/2019/2541239.

  28. 王炜,刘玲. vartm成型双轴向经编织物层板及其冲击性能研究. 玻璃钢/复合材料,2019,2:39-44.

  29. lulu shen, ling liu, wei wang, yexin zhou. in situ self-sensing of delamination initiation and growth in multi-directional laminates using carbon nanotube interleaves. composites science and technology 2018, 167:14-147.

  30. [30]ling liu, qiaoxin yang, yiwen zhou. improved mechanical properties of positive-pressure filtered cnt buckypaper reinforced epoxy composites via modified preparation process. polymer composites 2018,39(5):1647-1652.

  31. ling liu, jinwen wu, yexin zhou. enhanced delamination initiation stress of quasi-isotropic laminates under in-plane tension by interleaving with cnt buckypaper sensor. composites part a-applied science and manufacturing 2016, 89:10-17.

  32. qiaoxin yang, ling liu, h david and mircea chipara. microstructure, electrical conductivity and microwave absorption properties of -feni decorated carbon nanotube composites. composites part b-engineering 2016, 87: 256–262.

  33. ling liu, lulu shen, yexin zhou. improving the interlaminar fracture toughness of carbon/epoxy laminates by directly incorporating with porous cnt buckypaper. journal of reinforced plastics and composites. 2016, 35(2): 165-176.

  34. ling liu, qiaoxin yang and jingwen shen. correlation between porosity and electrical-mechanical properties of carbon nanotube buckypaper with various porosities. journal of nanomaterials 2015, 16: 1-9. doi: 10.1155/2015/945091.

  35. 杨乔馨,刘玲,王晓蕾. cnts/tde85环氧复合材料的热物理和力学性能. 玻璃钢/复合材料2015, 7: 33-37.

  36. 刘玲, 杨乔馨. 碳纳米管网格对碳纤维复合材料层间剪切性能的影响. 固体力学学报, 2015, 36: 80-84.

  37. ling liu, hongying zhang and yexin zhou. quasi-static mechanical response and corresponding analytical model of laminates incorporating with nanoweb interlayers. composite structures 2014, 111: 436-445.

  38. 周毅文, 刘玲, 杨乔馨. 功能化mwcnts网格/环氧树脂复合材料的制备及性能. 复合材料学报 2014, 31(4): 866-872.

  39. ling liu, yexin zhou and shengqiang pan. experimental and analysis of the mechanical behaviors of multi-walled nanotubes/polyurethane nanoweb-reinforced epoxy composites. journal of reinforced plastics and composites 2013, 32(11): 823-834.

  40. 王震宇,刘玲,宫占峰,薛元德. ncf/环氧层板开孔拉伸渐进损伤分析. 复合材料学报,2013, 30(s): 147-152.

  41. 王占吉,刘玲,晏冬秀, 何少刚. 纤维层内树脂流动的空气耦合超声无损检测. 复合材料学报, 2013, 30(2): 24-30.

  42. 陈萍,刘玲, 王占吉, 何少刚. 受热过程树脂浸润流动的超声无损评估. 航空材料学报, 2013, 33(4): 65-70.

  43. ling liu, shengqiang pan. preparation and properties of swnts/pu conductive nonwovens with high swnts loadings. integrated ferroelectrics 2012, 136: 118-126.

  44. ling liu and shengqiang pan. comparative study of the comprehensive properties of multi-walled nanotubes/ polyurethane nanofibrous membranes with and without thermal treatment. journal of nanomaterials 2012(2012):1875-1890.

  45. 王强,刘玲. mwcnts对碳纤维非褶皱无纺布/环氧层合板力学性能的影响. 复合材料学报, 2012, 29(3): 16-22.

  46. 潘胜强, 刘玲,黄争鸣. mwnts/pu复合超细纤维的热性能及导电性能. 复合材料学报,2009,26(2):79-84.

  47. ling liu, zhengming huang, guiying xu. mode ii interlaminar delamination of composite laminates incorporating with polymer ultrathin fibers. polymer composites 2008, 29(3):285-292.

  48. ling liu, yanmin liang, guiying xu. mode i interlaminar fracture of composite laminates incorporating with ultrathin fibrous sheets. journal of reinforced plastics and composites 2008, 27(11): 1147-1162.

  49. 潘胜强, 刘玲,黄争鸣. mwnts/pu复合微/纳米纤维的形态及力学性能. 复合材料学报,2008,25(3):98-104.

  50. 刘玲, 梁燕民. mwnts/环氧的吸波与力学性能. 宇航材料工艺 2008, 1: 40-42.

  51. ling liu, yanmin liang, guiying xu. response of mode ii interlaminar fracture toughness of composite laminates with carbon nanotubes interlayer. proceedings of the society of photo-optical instrumentation engineers. 2007, 6423: 42351.

  52. xiaojian han, zhengming huang, ling liu, chuanglong he, qingsheng wu, yan li. composite nanofibers for textile applications. solid state phenomena. 2007,121-123:1237-1240.

  53. xiaojian han, zhengming huang, chuanglong he, ling liu. preparation and characterization of core-shell structured nanofibers by coaxial electrospinning. high performance polymers. 2007, 19(2): 147-159.

  54. xiaojian han, zhengming huang, chuanglong he, ling liu, qingsheng wu. preparation and characterization of polycarbonate/tio2 ultrafine fibers. journal of inorganic materials. 2007, 22(3): 407-412.

  55. 刘玲, 黄争鸣, 周烨欣, 徐贵营. 超细纤维增强复合材料ⅰ型层间断裂韧性分析. 复合材料学报,2007,24(4):166-171.

  56. ling liu, zhang bm, wang df. effects of cure cycles on void content and mechanical properties of composite laminates. composite structures 2006, 73(3): 303-309.

  57. ling liu, huang zm, he cl. mechanical performance of laminated composites incorporated with nanofibrous membranes. materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties microstructure and processing 2006, 435(5): 309-317.

  58. xiaojian han, zhengming huang, chuanglong he, ling liu, et al. coaxial electrospinning of pc(shell)/pu(core) composite nanofibers for textile application. polymer composites. 2006, 27(4): 381-387.

  59. chuanglong he, zhengming huang, xiaojian han, ling liu et al. coaxial electrospun poly (l-lactic acid) ultrafine fibers for sustained drug delivery. journal of macromolecular science-part b. 2006, 45(4): 515-524.

  60. 刘玲, 黄争鸣, 董国华, 袁国青, 何创龙, 韩晓建. 层间环氧纳米纤维薄膜对层合板力学性能的影响. 复合材料学报,2006,23(3):15-19.

  61. 刘玲, 黄争鸣, 董国华, 袁国青. 含环氧-sic复合微/纳米纤维的层合板制备及力学性能研究. 复合材料学报2006, 23 (3): 20-24.

  62. 刘玲, 张博明, 王殿富, 武湛君. 聚合物基复合材料中孔隙率及层间剪切性能的实验表征. 航空材料学报 2006, 26(4): 115-118.

  63. ling liu, boming zhang, zhanjun wu and dianfu wang. effects of cure pressure induced voids on the mechanical strength of carbon/epoxy laminates. journal of materials science & technology 2005, 21(1): 87-91.

  64. chuanglong he, zhengming huang, ling liu, xiaojian han. electrospun core-shell plla nanofiber and its potential for drug release. proceedings of 2005 international conference on advanced fibers and polymer materials, 2005, 1-2: 708-712.

  65. 刘玲, 路明坤, 张博明, 王殿富, 郑岩, 张春清. 孔隙率对碳纤维复合材料超声衰减系数和力学性能的影响. 复合材料学报 2004, 21(5): 116-121.

