1991.9.-1995.2.同济大学固体力学专业 博士/ph.d.
1988.9.-1991.7.西安交通大学计算力学专业 硕士/ m.phil.
1984.9.-1988.7.西安交通大学应用力学专业 学士/ b.sc.
2005.06.- 至今同济大学 航空航天与力学学院,教授
1998.06.- 2005.06.同济大学 工程力学与技术系,副研究员
1995.03.-1998.06.同济大学 工程力学与技术系,讲师
2004.08.-2004.12.悉尼大学 航空航天机械工程学院 先进材料技术中心,访问学者
2001.08.-2002.10.新加坡南洋理工大学 机械与制造工程学院,访问学者
2000.05.-2000.09.香港科技大学 机械工程系,访问学者
1999.05.-1999.08.香港大学 机械工程系,访问学者
1996.12.-1997.12.香港科技大学 机械工程系,访问学者
上海市技术发明奖二等奖(2020, r7)
fellow of international association of applied mechanics(2021)
ma, xc, yang, xy, zhang, xq*, dai, y*, he, pf, sessler, gm, von seggern, h. tuneable resonance frequency vibrational energy harvester with electret-embedded variable capacitor. iet nanodielectrics, 2021, 4: 53–62.
su, y, dai, y, liu, y*. a hybrid parallel harris hawks optimization algorithm for reusable launch vehicle reentry trajectory optimization with no-fly zones. soft computing, 2021, 25(23): 14597-14617
chen x, he d d, yang g y, yuan y, dai y*. approximate analytical solution for richards’ equation with finite constant water head dirichlet boundary conditions. computational and applied mathematics, 2021, 40(7): 236
deng y j, shen x k, tao j x, dai y*. analysis of elastic–plastic problems using the improved interpolating complex variable element free galerkin method. mathematics 2021, 9, 1967
ma, xc, yang, xy, ding, c, zhang, xq, dai, y*, he, pf. theoretical analysis and experimental validation of frequency-moldable electrostatic energy harvesters biased with a high elastic electret film. smart mater. struct, 2021, 30(6): 065021.
zhong, xr, sun, wc, dai, y*. a reduced-dimensional explicit discrete element solver for simulating granular mixing problems. granular matter, 2021, 23:13, https://doi.org/10.1007 /s10035-020-01077-z
官威, 李文晓, 戴瑛, 贺鹏飞. 纺织复合材料预制体变形研究综述. 航空制造技术, 2021, 64(1/2): 22-37
kang, hr, he, pf, zhang, cm, dai, y, lv, h, zhang, m, yang, dl. stress-strain and burst failure analysis of fiber wound composite material high-pressure vessel. polymers & polymer composites, 2021, 29(8): 1291-1303(q2)
yun, wy, lu, zz, wang, l, feng, kx, he, pf, dai, y. error-based stopping criterion for the combined adaptive kriging and importance sampling method for reliability analysis. probabilistic engineering mechanics, 2021, 65: 103131
yun, wy, lu, zz, he, pf, jiang, x, dai, y. parameter global reliability sensitivity analysis with meta-models: a probability estimation-driven approach. aerospace science and technology, 2020, 106:106040
kang, hr, he, pf, zhang, cm, dai, y, shan, zd, zang, y, lv, h. tensile progressive damage and compressive postbuckling analysis of open-hole laminate composites. journal of reinforced plastics and composites, 2020, 39(17-18): 637-653
贺鹏飞, 杨晓雅, 马星晨, 张晓青, 戴瑛. 驻极体静电能量采集器的结构优化.同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 48(9): 1371-1384
朱峰, 杨宏伟, 王本劲, 戴瑛, 贺鹏飞. 航空导管弯曲试验的疲劳裂纹萌生寿命. 力学季刊, 2020, 41(3): 519-527
杨宏伟, 戴瑛*, 贺鹏飞. 带接头管道在内压与循环载荷作用下的棘轮行为研究. 力学季刊,2020, 41(1): 91-98
yun, wy, lu, zz, he, pf, dai, y, feng, kx. adaptive subdomain sampling and its adaptive kriging based method for reliability and reliability sensitivity analysis. structural and multidisciplinary optimization, 2020, 61(3): 1107-1121
shen, xk, li, my, dai, y*, zhou, xg, he, pf. the effects of preparation temperature on the sicf/sic 3d4d woven composite. ceramics international, 2020, 46(9): 13088-13094
den, yj, he, xq, sun, lg, yi, sh, dai, y*. an improved interpolating complex variable element free galerkin method for the pattern transformation of hydrogel. engineering analysis with boundary elements, 2020, 113: 99-109.
den, yj, he, xq, dai, y*. the improved interpolating complex variable element free galerkin method for two dimensional potential problems. international journal of applied mechanics, 2019, 11(10), 1950104
ma, xc, zhang, xq, sessler, gm, chen, l, yang, xy, dai, y, he, pf. energy harvesters based on fluorinated ethylene propylene unipolar ferroelectrets with negative charges. aip advances, 2019, 9(12), 125334
yang, hw, dai, y*, he, pf. ratcheting simulation of a steel pipe with assembly parts under internal pressure and a cyclic bending load. applied sciences-basel, 2019, 9(23): 5025
kang, hr, he, pf, dai, y, zhang, cm. the effect of structural and process parameters on the effective properties of polymer composites reinforced by fiber-rod and three-dimensional weaving. fibers and polymers, 2019, 20(12): 2625-2636
yun wy, lu zz, he pf, dai y, jiang x. an efficient method for estimating the parameter global reliability sensitivity analysis by innovative single-loop process and embedded kriging model. mechanical systems and signal processing, 2019, 133: 106288.
shen, xk, li, my, dai, y*, zhou, xg, he, pf. study on mechanical properties of 3d4d woven sicf/sic composites based on experiment and model prediction. materials science forum, 2019, 943: 81-86
lin, fb, dai, y*, li, hy, qu, y, li, wx. effect of compressive and shear deformation of 2.5d preform on its stiffness of composites, materials science forum, 2019, 943: 75-80