







  • 2003.9-2010.1法国里尔一大力学实验中心(lml-cnrs)本硕博连读

  • 2011.2-2014.11 同济大学航空航天与力学学院 讲师

  • 2014.12 - 至今 同济大学航空航天与力学学院 副教授


  • 多轴疲劳力学性能研究;

  • 多轴随机荷载分析;

  • 疲劳不扩展小裂纹特性研究;

  • 多轴疲劳实验操作;

  • 神经网络模型在多轴疲劳问题中的应用。


  • 2020-2023, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,增材制造材料多轴疲劳损伤分析及实验测试,在研。

  • 2019-2022, 上海市自然科学基金面上项目,增材制造ti-6al-4v多轴疲劳载荷下寿命预测与实验研究,在研。

  • 2019-2020,上海电气电站设备有限公司合作项目,基于ai算法的超临界汽轮机部件寿命在线预测算法,在研。

  • 2019-2020,浙江大学合作项目,焊接件残余应力模拟与寿命评估,在研。

  • 2017-2018,圣戈班研发(上海)有限公司合作项目,磨削盘材料承载力研究及开发,结题。

  • 2014-2016,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于小裂纹理论的多轴疲劳荷载下金属裂纹扩展行为分析,结题。

  • 2014-2016,教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,多轴荷载下金属材料疲劳小裂纹扩展问题研究,结题。


  • 2019年江苏省“双创计划”“双创团队”核心成员;

  • 2018年上海市力学学会优秀青年学者;

  • 国际期刊《current mechanics & advance materials》编委。


  1. yingya lu, wu hao, zhong zheng, a modified energy-based model for low-cycle fatigue life prediction under multiaxial irregular loading, international journal of fatigue, 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.105187.

  2. lei gan, hao wu, zheng zhong, use of an energy-based/critical plane model to assess fatigue life under low-cycle multiaxial cycles, fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures, 2019, doi: 10.1111/ffe.13090.

  3. haipeng zhu, hao wu, yingya lu, zheng zhong, a novel energy-based equivalent damage parameter for multiaxial fatigue life prediction, international journal of fatigue, 2019, 121: 1-8.

  4. hao wu, an empirical non-proportional cyclic plasticity approach under multiaxial low-cycle fatigue loading, international journal of mechanical sciences, 2018,142-143: 66-73.

  5. yingya lu, hao wu, zheng zhong, a simple energy-based model for nonproportional low-cycle multiaxial fatigue life prediction under constant-amplitude loading, fatigue and fracture of engineering materials and structures, 2018, 41 (6): 1402-1411.

  6. marco antonio meggiolaro, jaime tupiassú pinho de castro, hao wu, non-linear incremental fatigue damage calculation for multiaxial non-proportional histories, international journal of fatigue, 2017,100: 502-511.

  7. hao wu, marco antonio meggiolaro, jaime tupiassú pinho de castro, validation of the multiaxial, racetrack amplitude filter, international journal of fatigue, 2016, 87: 167-179.

  8. hao wu, marco antonio meggiolaro, jaime tupiassú pinho de castro, computational implementation of a non-linear kinematic hardening formulation for tension-torsion multiaxial fatigue calculations, international journal of fatigue, 2016, 91: 304-312.

  9. hao wu, marco antonio meggiolaro, jaime tupiassú pinho de castro, application of the moment of inertia method to the critical-plane approach, frattura ed integrita strutturale, 2016, 38: 99-105.

  10. 吴昊, 仲政, 金属材料多轴非比例低周疲劳寿命预测概述, 力学季刊, 2016, 37(02): 201-213.

  11. marco antonio meggiolaro, hao wu, jaime tupiassú pinho de castro, non-proportional hardening models for predicting mean and peak stress evolution in multiaxial fatigue using tanaka's incremental plasticity concepts, international journal of fatigue, 2016, 87: 167-179.

  12. marco antonio meggiolaro, jaime tupiassú pinho de castro, hao wu, on the use of tensor paths to estimate the nonproportionality factor of multiaxial stress or strain histories under free-surface conditions, acta mechanica, 2016,227 (11): 3087-3100.

  13. marco antonio meggiolaro, jaime tupiassú pinho de castro, hao wu, generalization of the moment of inertia method to estimate equivalent amplitudes for simplifying the analysis of arbitrary non-proportional multiaxial stress or strain histories, acta mechanica, 2016,227 (11): 3261-3273.

  14. keke tang, filippo berto, hao wu, fatigue crack growth in the micro to large scale of 7075-t6 al sheets at different r ratios, theoretical and applied fracture mechanics, 2016, 83: 93-104.

  15. marco antonio meggiolaro, jaime tupiassú pinho de castro, hao wu, a general class of non-linear kinematic models to predict mean stress relaxation and multiaxial ratcheting in fatigue problems - part i: ilyushin spaces, international journal of fatigue, 2016,82(2): 158-166.

  16. marco antonio meggiolaro, jaime tupiassú pinho de castro, hao wu, a general class of non-linear kinematic models to predict mean stress relaxation and multiaxial ratcheting in fatigue problems - part ii: generalized surface translation rule, international journal of fatigue, 2016,82(2): 167-178.

