







  • 2004.9-2008.7,郑州大学,工程力学,学士/ b.sc.

  • 2008.9-2011.6,同济大学,固体力学,硕士/ m.phil.

  • 2011.10-2015.1,巴黎第六大学(现索邦大学),工程学科学,博士/ph.d.


  • 2020.01至今,同济大学,副教授

  • 2016.01-2019.12,同济大学,助理教授







  • 材料力学


  1. weitao yuan†, chenwen yang†, danmei zhang, yang long, yongdong pan, zheng zhong, hong chen, jinfeng zhao*, and jie ren*, “observation of elastic spin with chiral meta-sources”, vol. 12: 6954, nature communications, (2021).

  2. chao song, jinfeng zhao*, xincheng ma, mi zhang, weitao yuan, fan yang, xiaoqing zhang, yongdong pan, “multi-frequency sound energy harvesting using helmholtz resonators with irradiated cross-linked polypropylene ferroelectret films”, vol. 11: 115002, aip advances, (2021).

  3. jinfeng zhao, weitao yuan, fan yang, and zheng zhong*, “valley-chiral edge states of antisymmetric plate wave in phononic crystals with linear defect”, acta mechanica solida sinica, on line (2021).

  4. jinfeng zhao, xiaodong cui, bernard bonello, bahram djafari-rouhani, weitao yuan, yongdong pan, jie ren, xiaoqing zhang, and zheng zhong*, “broadband sub-diffraction and ultra-high energy density focusing of elastic waves in planar gradient-index lenses”, vol. 150: 104357, journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, (2021).

  5. jinfeng zhao†*, weitao yuan†, olga boyko, bernard bonello, xiaoqing zhang, yongdong pan, and zheng zhong*, “experimental evidence of quadrupolar whispering-gallery modes in phononic crystal based waveguides”, aip advances, vol. 9: 085032, (2019).

  6. xiaodong cui†, jinfeng zhao†*, olga boyko*, b. bonello, and zheng zhong, “multi-branch subwavelength focusing of the lowest-order antisymmetric lamb mode in a gradient-index phononic crystal”, international journal of mechanical sciences, vol. 157-158: 677-683, (2019).

  7. jinfeng zhao†*, weitao yuan†, bernard bonello, bahram djafari-rouhani, yongdong pan, and zheng zhong*, “rainbow guiding of the lowest-order antisymmetric lamb mode in phononic crystal plate”, science china technological sciences, vol. 62(3): 458-463, (2019).

  8. yuan xue, jinfeng zhao*, xiaoqing zhang*, gerhard m sessler, mario kupnik, “acoustic energy harvesting with irradiated cross-linked polypropylene piezoelectret films”, physica scripta, vol. 94: 095002, (2019).

  9. weitao yuan, jinfeng zhao*, bernard bonello, bahram djafari-rouhani, xiaoqing zhang, yongdong pan, and zheng zhong, “compact waveguide and guided beam pattern based on the whispering-gallery mode of a hollow pillar in a phononic crystal plate”, physical review applied, vol. 10: 034010, (2018).

  10. dongbo zhang, jinfeng zhao*, bernard bonello, fenglin zhang, weitao yuan, yongdong pan, and zheng zhong, “investigation of surface acoustic wave propagation in composite pillar based phononic crystals within both local resonance and bragg scattering mechanism regimes”, journal of physics d: applied physics, vol. 50: 435602, (2017).

  11. jinfeng zhao, bernard bonello*, and olga boyko, “focusing of the lowest-order antisymmetric lamb mode behind a gradient-index acoustic metalens with local resonators”, physical review b, vol. 93: 174306, (2016).

  12. jinfeng zhao, b. bonello*, and o. boyko, “beam paths of flexural lamb waves at high frequency in the first band within phononic crystal-based acoustic lenses”, aip advances, vol. 4: 124204, (2014).

  13. jinfeng zhao, yongdong pan*, and zheng zhong*, “a study of pressure-shear vertical wave propagation in periodically layered fluid and piezoelectric structure”, journal of applied physics, vol. 113: 054903, (2013).

  14. jinfeng zhao, yongdong pan*, and zheng zhong, “theoretical study of shear horizontal wave propagation in periodically layered piezoelectric structure”, journal of applied physics, vol. 111: 064906, (2012).


  • 李峰,赵仲杰,潘永东,赵金峰。一种自聚焦超声换能器焦域与灵敏度测量方法。发明专利,授权公告号:cn111678587b,授权公告日2021.9.3。

  • 王泽峰,赵金峰,桂琪珍,袁伟桃。相位差和寂灭期可控的多通道异频声子激发装置。实用新型专利,授权公告号:zl201822261962.9,授权公告日2019.11.22。


  • 声子晶体板中谷态拓扑边界和回音壁的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(12172256),2022.01-2025.12

  • 空间反演对称性破缺的lamb波拓扑边界态的理论和实验研究,上海市2020年度“科技创新行动计划”自然科学基金项目(20zr1462700),2020.07-2023.06

  • 局部共振声子晶体的超分辨率成像和聚焦研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(11602174),2017.01-2019.12
